Genetics of Aquatic Organisms
2023, Vol 7, Num, 1 (Pages: GA565)
Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis of Nemoura flexuosa Aubert, 1949 Based on Cytochrome Oxidase C Subunit-I Gene from Türkiye
Famil Yusufoğlu 1 ,Fevzi Uçkan 1
1 Kocaeli University, Biology Department, İzmit, Kocaeli, Turkey
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Plecoptera species are valuable both as freshwater indicators and as key role in the
food chain of river ecosystems. Moreover, they constitute an order with a high
speciation capacity. Therefore, identification at the species level by morphological
analysis leads to reliability problems. Studies on the phylogeny of Nemoura flexuosa
which belongs to this order are scarce in the literature. Samples were collected from
Kocaeli-Türkiye and then morphological and phylogenetic descriptions of the
specimens were made. The Cytochrome Oxidase C Subunit-I gene region in
mitochondrial DNA was amplified and sequenced. Molecular analyses revealed that
the samples belong to the N. flexuosa species. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out
by comparing the gene sequences of N. flexuosa haplotypes in Europe with gene
sequences of the same basepair length and with the gene sequence of Amphinemura
borealis which was used as an outgroup. The two phylogenetic trees were consistent
and the collected specimens were evolutionarily closer to the OK316196.1,
OK316261.1, OK316397.1, MZ608304.1, KY261370.1 and JX905853.1 haplotype. The
presence of N. flexuosa in Kocaeli and the phylogenetic status of the Türkiye haplotype
were reported. Clarifying the phylogenetic status of ecologically important species
provides basic information for biosecurity studies for possible future conservation and
control programs.
Keywords :
Biosecurity COI Freshwater Indicator Nemoura flexuosa Phylogeny